The 12 Chakra System was written about in a 「Great Central Sun Transmission」 earlier this year. For the sake of review, we are going to repeat this information with a few additions in this article. Up through the ascent to 3000, initiates retain a 7 Chakra System. Beginning at 4200 strands, the 12-chakra system begins to be born with the budding of the diagram chakra between the third or solar plexus and fourth or heart chakra.
在早些年的「大中樞太陽傳授」中已經對12脈輪系統有所敘述。為了進行檢測,我們在這篇文章裡將重述這段信息,並增加一些新的內容。通過提升到3000股, 提升者會持有一種7脈輪系統,從4200股開始,隨著圖示中脈輪的盛開,在第三脈輪(或稱腹腔神經叢脈輪)與第四脈輪(或稱心之脈輪)之間,12脈輪系統 將開始生長。
Around 5000 strands, the occipital chakra buds along with 24 petals in the heart, pelvic and crown lotuses. The lotus pattern in the heart passes around the human hologram, and it is at this point that one begins to access holographic knowledge in one』s ascension. The occipital chakra provides a chakra to govern one』s dream, which sits behind the neck after 3000 strands is mastered in one』s ascent. The occipital chakra directs the dream and dream weaving for one』s life dance and ascension thereafter.
當到達5000股時,枕骨脈輪開始盛 開,同時在心臟、盆腔和定冠處歸呈現24瓣的蓮花形狀。在心臟裡的蓮花負責人類全息圖,由此一個人將開始在提升中掌握全息知識。枕骨脈輪提供了負責一個人 夢想的脈輪,當一個人在提升中掌握了3000股之後,這一脈輪會位於頸部後面,並直接指揮一個人的生命之舞和今後提升的夢想以及夢想織錦。
By initiation 6000, the pituitary, pineal and male and female chakras open. These new chakras in particular govern the energetic movement of the field to a far more refined state allowing most mechanized moving energy systems to be dismantled. Mechanization is the result of electrical and radioactive tones of creation in a magnetic system, which creates straight-line movement. Straight-line movement is similar to the circuit boards humans are familiar with in computer systems. Magnetic energy in contrast is rotational in nature and requires soul to spin. Mechanized energy movement requires not soul and will continue to move endlessly at whatever pace the circuitry has been programmed to function at. Mechanized energy can be equated with non-consciousness as a result.
當提升到 6000股時,腦垂體、松果體以及陰陽脈輪都會打開。這些新的脈輪將專門負責場的能量運動,以使場達到儘可能精練的狀態,並最大程度的卸去那些機械化的能 量運行系統。機械化就是在磁性系統中的造物運行了電性或輻射性音調的結果,它造成了直線運動。直線運動類似於人類所熟悉的電腦系統的電路。相比之下,磁性 能量是自然地轉動的,並需要靈魂的旋轉。機械能量運動需要的不是靈魂,它持續按照各種設計好的基本電路運作。作為結果,機械可以以無意識來被平衡。
The field of the Bodhisattva is too delicate to be run with machines and sustain a state of balance. Furthermore, the very language that is electrical must be transcended and transmuted in full by 6000 strands in order to master Bodhisattva level of evolution. This requires over 90% of the straight-line movement remaining at 3000 strands to be dismantled in the initiations that follow. As initiates release the machines and electrical thought-form associated, the new chakras open in their place allowing for soul to spin the field instead of machines.
菩 薩級別的場太精緻,以至於無法與機械相運作並保持平衡。況且,電性語言正是要在向6000股提升並掌握和發展菩薩級別的過程中被轉化的。這要求在3000 股狀態下有超過90%的直線運動在接下來的提升中被卸下。隨著提升者釋放相關的機械與電性思維方式,新的脈輪將會在他們的領域裡開放,從而是靈魂得以取代 機械去旋轉一個人的場。
1st Chakra - Grounding Chakra
This chakra begins under the feet and is for purposes of grounding soul into form. This chakra has multiple energy components and moves around the field in a complex system of rotation to keep soul anchored in the center of the form and field or subtle bodies. This chakra includes the feet, knees and hips along with root chakra and seven sets of chakras that extend from the feet to the aurora in the center of earth.
此脈輪開始於腳下,以將靈魂根植入形體為目的。這一脈輪具有多重能量結構,他以一個負載的轉動方式圍繞能量場而動,以保持靈魂在場和形體的中心或精微身體中 被錨定。這一脈輪包括腳、膝蓋和髖部以及根脈輪(root charka),還有從腳擴展到地球歐羅拉的7個脈輪集合。
2nd Chakra - Pelvic or Sexual Energy Chakra
This chakra begins in the pelvis but includes a complex energy flow known as sexual energy and kundahlini. The kundahlini runs up the spine through the nervous system, and the sexual energy is a set of triple lotuses that rotate through the hips and under the feet, between the hips and heart region, and from the heart over the head. While anchoring, the sexual energy may expand to include a region of a mile or more as needed for world service purposes, or while teaching and healing. This chakra also continues to allow the emotional body to relay emotions to the form and then transfers the emotions to the heart via the sexual energy flow.
這一脈輪開始與盆腔,但他包含了複雜的被知曉為性能量與昆達里 尼的能量流。昆達里尼向上通過神經系統運行過脊柱;性能量是一個三位一體的蓮花形集合,並髖部至腳底、髖部至心臟、心臟至頭頂這些位置不斷更迭。在錨定的 同時,性能量還會膨脹并包含1公里甚至更廣闊的區域,以此作為為世界服務,或者同時進行教導與治癒的需要。這一脈輪還會持續運行情感體傳遞情感到形體,並 經由性能量流將情感轉譯到心臟。
The pelvic chakra region also expands to contain a center for soul and the information related to one's tapestry of ancestry. Such information is now held by soul rather than inside of the form to deter against manipulations therein. Soul holds the ancestral information and sits inside of a new cavity about the size of a quarter in the pelvis, and transmits the necessary lineage information as needed for karmic release purposes, along with gathering new ancestral information as it is released inside of the scar tissue or decay of the form during the act of resurrection to the healing temples for ascension.
盆腔脈輪區域擴展,為靈魂和關於一個人祖先織錦的信息通過一個中心。這類信息現在由靈魂持 有,而不是藏在形體裡邊阻止在這裡的化身。現在正靈魂拿著這些祖先信息,呆在一個相當於盆腔四分之一大小的新的腔裡,並轉譯著這些對釋放業力十分有幫助的 血統信息;同時,為了提升,靈魂還在治癒神殿的復興期間,為釋放內部創傷會形體衰退的業力而收集了新的祖先信息。
Pelvic Lotus 盆腔蓮花
There is a lotus that opens in the second chakra region. This lotus extends outwards up to 100 feet around an initiate. The lotus energizes the lower half of the grid work to sustain the grounding to the center of the earth. The lotus opens to a total 250 petals that work together in groups of 12, as the blueprint to 6000 is embodied 100% in the physical.
3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus or Power Chakra
This chakra governs power and includes a complex energy flow that sustains the boundaries around the etheric body of the form, the chakras, the subtle bodies, along with the light body and global chakras. It is from the power center that one's group agreements for interactions with all others along with the new consensus for ascension are stored, and one commands what can and cannot dance with one』s field.
這一脈輪負載力量,并包含一個複雜的能量流以保持圍繞著形體的以太體的、脈輪的、精微身體的、以及光身體的和全球脈輪的邊界。一個人用來與其他所有人進行互 動的整體意見,以及用於提升而達成的新一致意見會被儲存在力量的中心。一個人會掌握什麼能和自己的場共舞,而什麼不能。
4th Chakra - Diaphragm or Breath of Life Chakra
This chakra governs the diaphragm and conscious breath. Conscious breath is not only a developed diaphragm that can convert oxygen to sugar upon a biological level, but is also an energy flow through the field in which the chi and fire are distributed as originating from the heart and soul region through the grid work, chakras and subtle body of the form.
5th Chakra - Heart Chakra.
The heart center governs the ongoing communication of soul and body through the communication centers of the form. Such communication centers gather information from all four subtle bodies along with soul and guidance along with angels and then communicate such to the consciousness or subconscious of the form. The subconscious is one's dreamtime reality while asleep.
At this time and due to changes in the map for ascension as 6000 strands is embodied roughly 30% in the physical, the akashic records and biological records are moved inside of the heart chakra to the soul cavity. The soul sits in a cavity, which encompasses portions of both the right and left side of the heart. Soul retains such records passing them to the form and divas as necessary in the act of ascension. This too assists in bypassing the manipulations inherent in having such records outside of the form and in the neck region.
在這種時候,加上由於為提升 者在地圖上能夠轉變而有30%的 6000股藍圖顯化在物理層面,阿卡西記錄和生物體記錄將在心之脈輪裡被移向靈魂所在的腔。靈魂所位於的腔環繞於心臟左右兩側的部分。靈魂持有這些記錄, 並按照提升者的行為所需傳遞給形體和主要角色。這也將為天生在形體之外和頸部擁有這些記錄的人提供幫助,以使他們繞過那些巧妙的操控。
Heart Lotus 心之蓮花
The complex energy flow of a multi-petal lotus buds in the initiations to 6000 that continues to grow in size as one reaches full consciousness to contain 1000 petals. At 6000 strands, one has 1/4 of the petals fully formed or roughly 250 petals flowing in sets of 12 that are interrelated much like a flower. This complex set of flower like patterns allows soul to bless Earth and all with whom one comes into contact as one has agreed upon. Such petals and their energy movement will extend as far as 1000 feet from the form
這一多層花瓣的蓮花的複雜能量流會在提升 向6000股的過程中綻放並持續生長。她將隨著一個人到達全意識而長出1000片花瓣。在6000股時,一個人在這個區域會有250或約250片花瓣在 12個集合裡流動,她們相互連接,看起來就像一朵花。這個花一樣的複雜集合會讓靈魂對地球和與自己相關的萬物發出祝福,並允許一起提升。這些花瓣和其能量 運動會從形體裡向外擴展 1000碼。
6th Chakra - Throat Chakra
This chakra governs the communication that causes exchanges of energy between humans or between the communication planes of Earth and one's form. This too is a complex flow of energy that involves ongoing and constant communication of intent for the purposes of one's continued ascension or manifestation of one's soul purpose in the physical..
7th Chakra - Occipital Region of Head
This chakra governs the dream that initiates weave in the initiations to 3000. By 6000 strands, the dream is large enough to suspend a 10 foot egg shaped energy flow in the back of the neck. It is the occipital chakra that governs and directs the energy flow of the dream of the Bodhisattva.
The occipital chakra also sustains the chi of the entire field in balance. The requirement of chi in a crystalline form and crystalline grid work is far greater than prior times in one's life dance, and therefore an entire chakra now is dedicated to monitoring such energy movement so that all parts of the form are equally energized to sustain the life and well being of the cells.
這一脈輪負責提升者在向3000股提升的過程中編織的夢想。在 6000股時,這裡的夢想就變得足夠大,從而在脖子後面出現一個10碼大小的蛋形能量流。正是枕骨脈輪負責和指揮菩薩級別的夢想的能量流。枕骨脈輪還保持著整個場的氣的平衡。比起在一個人之前的生命之舞裡來,在晶體形體和晶體晶格層裡對氣的需求更大,因此現在整個脈輪被用於檢測這些能量流,從而使形體的所 有部分能夠被賦予平等的能量以維持生命與細胞的良好。
In the physical, the occipital region contains the brain stem which governs the autonomic nervous system that keeps the blood moving, the heart beating, the intestinal tract moving, the digestive system moving, the lymph moving and so on. Such biological systems are related to the movement of chi in the grid work of the form as governed by this new chakra.
8th Chakra - Pineal Gland
This chakra collects chi from the sun and light and transcribes it into the necessary vibrations to sustain one's form and energize the grid work adequately to sustain one』s level of evolution. Taking the time each day with eyes closed and facing the sun while intending to absorb the energy into the grid work will consciously activate the 8th chakra to gather chi and transfer it to the 4th chakra region to be distributed throughout the field and form. If one feels excessively tired, going into the sun is a good practice and shall help to re-energize the entire field and etheric body. It only requires generally 20 minutes of direct exposure of sunlight to fulfill upon the chi requirements of a form at 6000 strands of DNA.
這一脈輪從太陽和光裡收集氣,並把氣轉化為 所需要的振動,以維持一個人的形體,並賦予了晶格層足夠的能量以維持一個人的等級的演化。我們建議每天花一些時間,面朝太陽閉上眼睛,同時意想吸收了能量 到晶格層,這樣就會有意識地促動第八脈輪收集氣,並將其通過場和形體轉化到第四脈輪,同時建設那裡。如果一個人感到自己很累,那麼到陽光裡去是一個不錯的 活動,這會幫助一個人重新為場和晶格層充滿能量。一個6000股的形體只需要這樣20分鐘的日光浴就能為自己充滿所需要的氣。
In ancient times, eating was less necessary. Humans gathered their chi from the sun through such practices. In ascension temples, such temples were often in places of ongoing sunlight for such purposes of adding more chi to fuel one's expansion. One may find it less necessary to eat as much or as often through this practice, however one's cravings for certain food substances will still follow the biological needs for transmutative purposes of ascension.
在古時候,飲食不是那麼必須的事情,人類可以通過這種方法為 自己從太陽那裡聚集到氣。對於提升神廟,它們常常被建於有陽光的地方,以此增加更多的氣作為一個人擴展的燃料。當一個人經常進行了這樣的活動後,就會感到 飲食不是那麼必要的了,即使對一些物質食物的攝取依然會為提升所需的轉變提供生物體之所需。
9th Chakra - Pituitary Gland
This chakra governs the small chakras that exist throughout the grid work of the etheric body. One is forever opening new meridians and chakras as yet other parts of the grid work are opened and re-energized as one ascends. After initiation 6000 is embodied to 30% in the physical, a chakra to manage the small sub-chakras and meridian system throughout the grid work becomes necessary, and this is the purpose of the 9th chakra.
這一脈輪負責小脈輪,它們遍及以太體的晶格層。就和在一個人提升時晶格層的其餘部分會打 開並被再次充滿能量一樣,一個人會永遠地打開新的經線和脈輪。當在物理層面有30%的6000股提升顯化之後,脈輪就必須要遍及晶格層地去設計那些小一些 的次脈輪(the small sub-chakras)和經線系統,這也正是第九脈輪的目標。
In the physical, the Pituitary gland is the master gland that manufactures and monitors all ascension substances throughout the form. It is in constant contact with the brain stem and thymus to assure that the form has the right amount of each chemical necessary to continue to transmute the body in ascension.
10th Chakra - Crown Chakra
This chakra is one's master library of spiritual knowledge. Often times the brain is so debilitated in the current limitation of form that more knowledge is stored in the nonphysical brain than in the physicality of the form. Yet through channeling one may access such nonphysical knowledge and speak it as needed in one's life role.
In essence, Mila understood years ago that the ascension would take too long to bring totally into the physical structure. However, as a gifted channel, one can express the wisdom without the large heads of one』s ancient ancestors and the brain that was contained therein; this allows the wisdom of the Bodhisattva to be expressed for the purposes of teaching, healing or leading. This has worked so successfully for her that this has become a part of the map to Bodhisattva for all others to follow.
本質上,Mila 在許多年前瞭解到,提升要花的時間太長了而無法全部帶入物理層面。不過即便如此,借助通靈,一個人還是可以在沒有像遠古祖先那樣的大頭顱和大腦的情況下表 達包含在這裡的,自己的智慧;這會允許菩薩級別的智慧得以來進行教導、治癒和引領。對Mila來說,這件事已經成功地進行了,這將是幫助其他人到達菩薩級 別的地圖的一部分。
The 10th chakra is a complex energy flow that includes up to 1000 chakras that connect the Bodhisattva to one's source and sustains the connection through ongoing movement of energy. Often initiates feel disconnected and it is not unusual to have the chakras above the head shattered in a karmic exchange. One rebuilds their system nightly during recasting due to karmic encounters to allow one to continue to ascend.
第十脈輪是有關複雜的能量流,他包含有1000個把菩薩級別連接一個人的源頭,並 通過正在運行的能量保持這些連接的脈輪。通常,由於業力的更替而引起的頭部脈輪破裂,讓一個人感到缺少連接。一個人可以在每天晚上通過改正自己所發現的業 力來重建自己的系統,以使自己繼續提升。
Crown Lotus 王冠蓮花
Much like the heart and pelvic region, a multi-petal lotus opens in the crown as 6000 is embodied to 30% in the physical. These petals grow to be 250 petals in number as one embodies 6000 100% to blueprint and allows for greater ongoing communication between one's source and soul and one's physical form and consciousness.
11th Chakra - Right Telepathic Channel - Male Side
This chakra governs information received through telepathic communication with the non-physical realms. Sometimes such communication will come through in direct channeling rather than be "heard" in one's mind or ear. However an entire chakra to govern nonphysical communication is created by initiation 6000, as it is embodied 30% in the physical to allow greater conscious dreamtime awareness. This chakra shall allow each to become more attuned to the nonphysical planes surrounding Earth, along with the Earth mother and all kingdoms therein, for the purposes of sharing, communion, and guidance.
這一脈輪負責通過非物理領域的感應交流而受到的信息。有時這些交流會直接通靈而來,而不是被一個人「聽」在心裡或耳朵裡。無論如何,通過向6000股的提升,一個掌握著非物理交流的整體脈輪就會被創造,因為在物理層面顯化的30%6000股提升會允許更大的「有意識夢想」的覺醒。這一脈輪會讓每一個人更熟 悉圍繞地球的非物理層面的計劃以及地球母親和在此的全部王國,從而使這之間的分享、交流和引導成為可能。
This chakra along with the 12th chakra also governs the masculine and feminine side of the vibrations one holds along with energy movement in the form. There is an ongoing exchange of energies between the right and left side or masculine and feminine side of the etheric body, subtle bodies along with each chakra region. This chakra along with the 12th chakra retains the balance on the right and left side of the form in all energy flow therein
12th Chakra - Left Telepathic Channel - Female Side
This chakra governs the transference of all records and information of one's personal ascension to Earth's archives and the temple of human ancestry in an ongoing basis. This chakra also is anchored by initiation 6000 as it is embodied 30% into the physical. This increased pace of ascension has one releasing records day and night and this chakra governs this purpose to allow the relay to be 24 hours per day rather than strictly during recasting in dreamtime. One can liken this to the fact that one begins to be continuously recast after initiation 6000 by one's soul and source.
這一脈輪負責把所有關於個人提升的記錄和信息轉譯到地球檔案和當下人類祖先的神廟。這一脈輪也會在6000股顯化30%到物理層面時被錨定。這個增進的提升步伐有著一個不論晝夜不斷施放的記錄,並且這一脈輪掌管著這一活 動來每天24小時地傳遞信息,這就使得傳遞活動不用被嚴格地控制在只在做夢狀態的修正時才能進行。
Chakras 11 and 12 work together to retain balance between the masculine and feminine sides of the form along with one's life dance, or movement between times of beingness and outward moving activity. In meditation time, these chakras expand allowing a greater connection to one』s source.
第十一、十二脈輪一同工作來保持形體和一個人生命之舞中陰陽的平 衡,或支持存在時間和外在活動之間的活動(or movement between times of beingness and outward moving activity)。在冥想時間裡,這些脈輪會擴大,以允許用一個更大的連接到達一個人的源頭。
The etheric body releases all electrical based ties in the ascent from 3000 to 6000 strands. This requires all ownership signatures to be released in full. Ownership signatures originated in the incomplete ascensions of the false gods or ascended masters. Each of such incomplete ascensions utilized the matrixes to attempt to move to the next dimension; the matrixes were blended with the grid work of such ascending masters through a particular tone and energy movement. As the ascending master grew in size, the tone and energy movement associated with the matrixes grew and grew, connecting their following into the matrixes. The chi of the following was stripped to foster the ascent of the guru. It is for this reason that upon the ascent of such humans, most of the closest following died. This is how ownership signatures came to be.
在從3000股向6000股的提升中,以太體釋放一切基於電性的連結。這要求釋放一切佔有契約 (ownership signature)。佔有契約起源於虛假神和提升大師的不完全提升。每一個這樣的不完全提升都利用了矩陣,以試圖到達下一個維度;這些提升大師通過一種 特殊的音調和能量移動將矩陣與晶格層相融合。在提升大師的身體變得越來越大時,這些關於矩陣的音調和能量流動也在不斷增長,並把提升大師的追隨者們接入矩 陣。這些追隨者們的氣被剝奪而成為了古魯們的營養。就是這種人類的提升極大地造成了追隨者們的死亡。而這就是「佔有契約」的起源。
As enough humans ascended in this manner, the associated signatures that allowed for a relationship to the matrixes became global thought-form. Because electrical tones were inherent in the matrixes, electrical thought-form became prevalent. It is electrical thought-form that causes extremes in polarity such as good and evil, right and wrong, and so on. It was through such ascensions that humanity fell into dogma as a way of relating. The matrixes and dogma or anti-matter are all related, as the electrical thought-form that humanity relies upon today is founded upon the vibration of antimatter. Antimatter bores holes in matter and causes aging, illness, disease and death.
當在這種情況裡有一定的人 提升了,相關的與矩陣相連接的契約就成為了全球的思維方式。因為電性音調天生就是矩陣,所以電性思維方式自然就盛行開了。正是電性思維方式引起了巨大的極 性,比如善與惡,對與錯,等等。也正是由於這種提升,人類走上了下跌進教條與武斷的路。矩陣和教條,或反對矩陣和教條都與此相關,因為人類今天所以靠的電 性思維方式正是建立在「反對」的振動上。「反對」就是在事物上開一個洞,引起老化、不舒服、生病和死亡。
Long ago, Riza brought through 27 signatures associated with incomplete ascensions and related to electrical thought-form. One may open the pdf file 「Ownership Signatures」 to view these signatures. Most initiates will find that they are related to one to eight of these signatures. All attachment into the etheric body will have one to eight of these signatures sustaining the attachment in place. One may utilize the language of light to dissolve the ownership signatures bored into the etheric body which will have the affect of releasing the associated attachment.
很久以前,Riza帶來了27個關於不完全提升和電性思維方式的契約。一個人可以在這個pdf文件「佔有契約」裡 看到它們。大部分提升中會發現自己與其中的8個有關係,它們附加在以太體上,以讓一個人在地球上保持與這8個契約的依附關係。一個人可以使用光之語來解除 這些討厭的侵入以太體的契約,而以太體將會做出響應,釋放掉相關附加物。
Attachment is also related to disease machinery. Disease machinery is a lower octave of the matrixes for all intents and purposes. In essence, ascending initiates long ago who created the most incomplete ascensions created a link between the matrixes and their following by enhancing the disease machinery Innana and Merduk had created in their warfare upon one another. It was through the connection to their following』s grid work through the disease machinery that the incomplete ascension of such gurus was launched; it was also through such a connection that the following became disease and ultimately died, sacrificing themselves for their guru.
附加物還是一種會使人生病的機械。這種「造病機械」不論其目的和意圖是什麼,都是矩陣的較低音調。本質 上,一些正在提升的人,同時也是很久以前造成了不完全提升的那些人,借助增強Innana和Merduk在相互的戰爭期間所創造的「造病機械」,創造了矩 陣和他們追隨者之間的鏈接。正是通過「造病機械」連入追隨者們的晶格層,這些古魯們的不完全提升被傳播出去;也正是由於這種連接,那些追隨者們開始生病, 最終死去,把自己獻給了古魯。
The ascent to Bodhisattva requires the disengagement from all disease machinery and matrixes along with electrical attachment to people, places or objects. Such grid work is then rewoven inside of the etheric body to allow the related portions of the form that have decayed or scarred to become crystalline. Bodhisattva level initiates transcend all electrical thought-form as the last ownership signature is released within the etheric body and the related grid work rewoven within.
向菩薩級別的提升需要與所有的「造病機械」、矩陣,以及對 人、地點、東西的電性依賴對沒有契約。這樣晶格層就可以在以太體內開始重新編織,以使形體的相關部分,不論腐朽的或神聖的,變成晶體的。菩薩級別的提升者 會在以太體內部最後的佔有契約被釋放,以及相關晶格層的再編織完成之後,轉化所有的電性思維。
As electrical thought-form is transcended, extreme polarity is also transcended as a part of the life dance. This makes possible a joyful life expression that is devoid of the pain, anger, and fear associated with electricity. One will also confront one』s desire to die, for the ascent to Bodhisattva requires the transcendence of death and the emergence of a regenerative biology that does not age. Therefore initiates will also confront their fear of death, and in the transcendence, master compassion in action along with a regenerative biological blueprint.
當電性思維方式被轉化之後,巨大的極性也會作為生命之舞的一部分而轉化。這會使愉悅的生命表達成為可能,沒有那些與電性相關的痛苦,惱怒和恐懼。一個人還會 去面對自己思維的慾望,因為向菩薩級別的提升要求轉化死亡並顯化可再生(regenerative,可返老還童的)的生物體
The subtle bodies of the Bodhisattva level initiate become larger in size and more greatly refined and balanced than in the ascent to 3000. By in large, initiates mastering Bodhisattva must learn to have equal sized subtle bodies in order to sustain enough balance in any given day. It is often as one or more subtle bodies deflate in energy that the field of the initiate begins to wobble. Therefore it is good practice to balance the subtle bodies during meditation and synthesis time, intending each to have equal proportions of chi.
菩薩級別的提升者的精微身體會變得 比3000股時更大,並更為平衡和精練。由於變大,掌握菩薩級別的提升者必須學會擁有相等尺寸的精微身體,以保持在每一天裡有足夠的平衡。通常由於一個或 多個精微身體在能量上有洩漏,提升者的場會發生搖晃。因此,通過冥想和整合來平衡精微身體,並意想每一個精微身體擁有平等份額的氣是一個不錯的方法。
As the Bodhisattva learns to hold all four subtle bodies in equal size, weight and chi, compassion is mastered. Compassion is a state of being in which one feels, perceives, and intuits, languages and expresses or creates concurrently. Judgment is the result of a split between mental and emotional, along with intuitive and creative energies. As mental, emotional, intuitive and creative are equally weighted and balanced, one learns to function out of compassion with all others and all other life forms.
隨著菩薩級別提升者學著持有全部的四個有同等尺寸、同等重量、同等氣的精微身體,一個人就可以掌握「同情」。「同 情」是存在的一種狀態。在這種狀態裡一個人可以感覺出,觀察出,並靠直覺去知曉語言和表達或同步地創造(Compassion is a state of being in which one feels, perceives, and intuits, languages and expresses or creates concurrently)。「判斷」是心智體的能量和情感體的能量之間,以及直覺體的能量和創造性身體的能量之間破裂的結果。因為心智體,情感體,直覺 體和創造性身體在重量和平衡度上是相等的,一個人要學著出於對所有其他生命的同情而進行活動。
The light body of the Bodhisattva expands around initiation 5500 to become an integrity symbol, or in other terms a second triple sphere is added above the first one, and the two sets of triple spheres rotate around one another creating a yet larger energy flow. The light body is a body double, and holds a larger version of the etheric body and all chakras. It is the light body that one can travel within during dreamtime for meetings or the purposes of researching information surrounding one』s ascent. Due to the misuse of light body travel amongst ascending initiates, light body movement has been restricted in recent months to the bare minimum required to ascend, and special escorts are required to disengage from the etheric vessel.
菩薩級別的光身體會圍繞著有5500股DNA的提升者擴展,成為合 一的模樣,或在另外的時期,會出現第二個三位一體的球形領域被加在第一個之下,這兩個領域的集合會相互更迭,也會相互圍繞而創造能量流。光身體就是一個雙 重的身體,持有以太體的更大形態和全部脈輪。正是光身體,一個人可以在夢中旅行並見到或找尋關於先祖的信息。由於光身體一度被濫用於在提升者之間旅行,光 身體運動已經在最近幾個月被限。
It is the light body that gathers photonic energy emanating from the Great Central Sun and utilizes such energy to rotate the larger chakras that sustain one』s global auric field. The auric field of the Bodhisattva expands to be outside of the moon』s orbit, boarding upon becoming solar in nature. It is also the light body that acts as a bridge for information from one』s soul, oversoul and source to the physical vessel and consciousness of the form.
Earth hopes that this information gives each initiate an adequate idea of the energetic changes leading to Bodhisattva level evolution. Understand that the path to Bodhisattva is only partially carved. The map to 3000 in comparison is complete enough to release to the map followers as of this month. Therefore there will be additional changes to the field and form as the map carvers continue to carve the map to Bodhisattva for all of humanity to follow.
地球希望這篇信息能使每一個提升者能充分理解引起向菩薩級別演化的能量轉變。要知道通向菩薩級別的路只開拓了一部分。但就在這個月,通向3000股的地圖已經被充分地完成,並可以釋放給地圖追隨者們了(The map to 3000 in comparison is complete enough to release to the map followers as of this month)。因此,隨著地圖繪製者不斷繪製出新的通往菩薩級別的地圖以讓人類能夠跟隨,場和形體會有一些額外的改變
The field of those attaining full consciousness or beyond is 18 times more complex that the field of the Bodhisattva, and 18 additional energy systems to support a universal sized energy flow. It is for this reason that it is unrealistic to believe that one has attained such a state of being to date. Perhaps one will be able to discern more effortlessly now where one is within one』s own path of ascension based upon the information shared.
持有全意識或超越全意識的人的場是18次(18 times)的,比菩薩級別的場更為複雜,並另有18個能量系統來維持這十分浩大的能量流。因此,如果相信有人擁有了這種存在狀態是不切實際的(法迄巴註:指肉體無法承受鉅大能量沖擊)。或許通過我們的信息,一個人能更不受人察覺地發現,現在自己正處在提升之路的什麼地方。
Until our next communication, 直到我們下一次通訊
Namaste (合十祝福)
The Earth Mother 地球母親
The Tao